Monday, May 31, 2010

M.L.M. Secrets Part 6 - Putting It All Together

Let's recap what we've discussed during this mini eCourse and what you can expect going forward.
When it comes to finding prospects, there are warm and cold markets.  Depending on your experience and preferences, you may decide to approach either or both of these markets to build your business. 
With that in mind, the key to being successful with recruiting and in generating product sales is to be an effective communicator.  Without good communication skills you're not going to build a huge business.  I told you about the 10 communication qualities - make sure you work on mastering them.  The Brilliant Communicator program is a great tool to help you with this.
Communication and the second step of inviting go hand in hand.  You need to get really good at inviting.  When you develop your communications skills, you can become a Master Inviter quickly.  
The Professional Inviter program outlines my 6-step Inviting formula that I used to build a downline of over 56,000.   It is a great tool to help you cultivate this all important skill.
Dealing with objections and in particular the "M.L.M. objection" is something you'll need to get used to - that's just the way it is!  The best way I've found to overcome this objection is to tackle it head on using Brilliant Compensation.  It's a powerful tool that uses third party credibility to blast through this objection.
So when it comes time to present your opportunity to one of your prospects, have them view Brilliant Compensation first.  They'll come away hungry to know more about what you're up to. 
By the way, today is the last day the New Subscriber Thank You offer page will be up and it's your chance to pick up the Brilliant Compensation DVD at a huge discount. 
Here's the link - click now while you're thinking of it:
How to Become an Excellent Trainer
Training your new distributors is the last of the 4 steps we discussed.  Training begins at home so start with yourself and make sure you're using your company's products or services.  Make sure you're clear about why you're doing the business and make the single decision to really do the business. 
Commit to developing your communication and inviting skills and track how focused you are at doing the 13 income-producing activities.  Pocket Tracker is an excellent tool to help you and your downline stay on track.  Encourage your downline to use this tool as well.  It will help you become a more effective coach and trainer because you'll know exactly where that new distributor needs help.
My Mission is to Help You Succeed
In 1996 I made a decision to help the M.L.M industry as a whole and the various training products and programs I created are the result of that decision. 
Along these lines, I provide a free monthly training call for subscribers to my newsletter - which includes you!  Be on the lookout for an email each month with the call-in details.  A replay of the call is kept online at my site for two weeks after the call as well so you can review the call in case you miss it live.
I'll also be sending you special offers on various of my training products and other tools every couple of weeks.  It's a chance to build your training library at big savings.  You can also stock up on some of the recruiting tools as well so you are always prepared - you just never know where your next downline superstar will come from!
It's been my pleasure to spend these last several days together.  I hope you've received some good ideas to start growing your business and  I look forward to seeing you online!
To your success,
Tim Sales
P.S.  Here are some easy access links to the training tools I mention in this email and in the previous emails:
For Brilliant Communicator, click here:
For Professional Inviter, click here:
For Brilliant Compensation click here:
For Pocket Tracker, click here:


TIM SALES TIPS: What Should Your Downline Be Duplicating and How do You Get Them to Do It?

May 20, 2010
Dear Faithinbusiness,  
I've received quite a few questions lately about how to achieve successful duplication with your downline. You'll find the answers to several of those questions in the article below.
In This Issue
What Should Your Downline Be Duplicating and How do You Get Them to Do It?
Your Toughest Questions Answered
What Should Your Downline Be Duplicating and How do You Get Them to Do It?
Do you have questions about duplication? You will probably find the answers here...
Q. What is the most important thing that a network marketer's organization should duplicate?
A: A successful action. I know that sounds funny but that really is what it comes down to. You've got to duplicate something that is do-able and simple so that it doesn't require an enormous amount of training at each level. That's not to undermine training, but if what you're trying to duplicate is so complicated that you can't get very ordinary, average people to do it - if it requires you to have just completely brilliant people, then you're going to be limited.
What ever it is that you're duplicating . . . let's just say that it's a script for making outbound phone calls but this script has got a lot of words in it that the person delivering the script has a hard time with. Not only that, but the person receiving it has a hard time with those words. That's not going to duplicate. So that's the first thing - make sure that you're duplicating something that is simple to learn and grasp.
Q: In your own organization that you built how did you figure out what to do and what to duplicate?
A: I learned that the first thing to do is to build a prototype that actually works. When I define the word "work" I mean that you as an individual are able to make a customer happy. And once you make that customer happy you've got to write it out - write out exactly what you did. Then follow your own written procedures and see if you can recreate that same happy customer in another person.
How this worked for me is that I just looked over my product line and what suited me best (my company sold personal care products). I noticed that I was around a whole bunch (being in the Navy) of guys that had bad skin, acne, problem skin. So I first got successful with myself. I had a similar situation with my skin so I used the products and found the best combinations and so forth that got me results.
From that I was able to get four other guys that were in my unit to do the same process. I wrote up what it was that I did and then I showed them how simple it was and that they too could help people that they knew and saw that had problem skin. I ended up with this whole group of rough, tough, macho guys out there selling this mud that pulled impurities out of the skin. That was the way that my organization began to duplicate.
Q: Did you find it was easy to teach your downline to do exactly what you had done?
A: NO! That's where you have to perfect your system. You have to continually work on your systems to ensure that those systems are in place and are workable. And then this is the part that can get you - once a person figures out how to get success, the greatest seduction, I believe, in all of life is to always want to continue to DO that, instead of TEACHING that. Because it seems easier to do than having the patience to sit back and allow that other person to make the same errors and mistakes that you made.
I think that is perhaps the greatest difficulty in leadership. I think that every one of the books that's out there on leadership - that's the part that I've always seen that's missing. Having the patience to just sit there and watch and observe, and see people in your group make mistakes but not correct them at that particular moment sit back and say, "Alright is this a systematic thing that I need to change? Or is this something specific to this individual that I need to change?"
I'll give you an example for this. There's a lady in my organization now, and she has absolutely resisted being a public speaker and speaking in front of more than one or two people at a time. I started off encouraging her to just stand up and do nothing but introduce me. And of course she fought it, and she needed to prepare for it for a week, and things like that. But in the process, I taught her how to teach herself, if you will. In other words, I told her, "Okay, what you need to do is set up a teddy bear or some kind of stuffed animal that you're communicating to and then talk to it."
So, the next time I'm speaking at one of her events, I'm listening to her introduce me, and I walk into the back of the room, and no one can hear her back there. Of course, I'm not going to correct her in that moment, so I wait and then I praise her. The rule is that you praise twice and correct once. If you ever get those ratios out of order then you're going to have basically a "tucked tail". That's what they call it in the dog training world. When you're training a dog, if the tail goes below parallel to the back, you stop training that dog (because he's starting to feel "whipped") and you praise the dog. So, in a similar way, you praise twice and correct once with people.
With this lady, I waited until it came back around again that she was gong to be presenting, and this was just very recently. What I said to her was "Okay, it does you no good to prepare and plan and train yourself if the people can't hear you. And so what I want you to do is to read aloud to your children." She's got two kids and she had already told me that she reads to them every night. I told her, "What I'd like you to do is put them on the other side of the room; don't cuddle up in the bed with them.
Be on the other side of the room and you read to them." She tried that and of course she emailed me back and she said, "That was unbelievable! The kids kept saying, "We can't hear you Mom!" She began to figure out, "Oh, okay. I have to project my voice. That sound has to get to the back of the room. Just because the front of the room hears it, it doesn't mean that the whole room hears it."
So this is what I'm talking about. That was something that was specific to that person that I had to assess - "Okay, there is something that she needs help with. What specific thing does she need training in?" Then I figured out a way to teach her to do that.
Now, she was just on a radio talk show and she's been requested to come back and be a speaker in this community of events that happens every week. She is becoming that public speaker that she resisted being for so long. And of course, now she ABSOLUTELY LOVES IT. I've seen her speak; she's good.
Being a leader means developing a simple, workable system and then having the patience to teach others - in spite of the discomfort of sitting through their mistakes. It's not always easy but it can be really profitable for you.
So there you have it; the formula for successful duplication in your downline:
1. Isolate successful actions
2. Build a prototype of those successful actions
3. Continually perfect your system.
I hope this helps you.
Committed to your success,
Tim Sales
P.S. For my proven successful actions, get and listen to Professional Inviter. It is everything you need to know to successfully invite a prospect to take a look at your business. Hear live calls of me calling prospects to demonstrate the successful actions. Check it out and hear excerpts here:
Your Toughest Questions Answered
Your doubts about being an effective network marketer produce uncertainty. Uncertainty in turn produces fear. And fear produces procrastination. And procrastination will keep you from doing the one vital thing you need to do to succeed. That's talking to people.
To overcome doubt, you have to know what to do and what to say; those are the successful actions I mentioned in the article above. It comes down to training.
If you look at any area in your life where you are succeeding, you had some training to get to that state, didn't you? It's the same with network marketing.
Now, your training can take a long time and be from the "school of hard knocks", like mine was, or you can take a shortcut and learn from my experience.
To make your road easier than mine was, I've put together the answers to 67 of the toughest questions network marketers have asked me. They are all on my audio set called "Brilliant Questions - Straight Answers".
Answers to questions like: 
  • What to do when your prospect says "I'm too busy." 

  • How do you deal with people who have attitudes? 

  • What's the best way to approach a cold prospect? 

  • How to answer "how much money do you make?" 

  • Where do I find the heavy hitters?
All in all, it's four CD's and right now, you can get a great deal on it. I've knocked 22% off the price but just for the next few days.
After listening to "Brilliant Questions - Straight Answers", your confidence will skyrocket and doubt will disappear because you'll know what to say and what to do in any networking situation. Hear excerpts from the CD's here.

Professional Presenter is...

Everything you need to conduct effortless and effective presentations that get results

Quick Links

Your #1 request, Facebook, and some f.ree tips!

First off, BIG thanks go out to everyone who took the survey last week. I appreciate the time you took to open up and be brutally honest with me!

Your comments will help me provide the tools and training YOU need to build your business.

Speaking of your needs...Let me address 2 of the biggies from the survey:

>> Your #1 Request: Facebook

Honestly, this one surprised me a little. I didn't expect so many people to be active on Facebook, but the results don't lie! Well, guess what? I'm there too! You can find me at:

That's my group page & if you like the idea of a more "open" conversation, more videos and more free training then head over to the page and "Like" us. I look forward to meeting you there!

>> Your #2 Request: More "How-To" Training

Based on the survey, you want more free "how-to" training on everything from generating leads, to using social media, to stopping procrastination.

You want more videos, audios, podcasts and downloads.

Don't's coming.

Keep a close eye on your inbox over the next few weeks because I've got some surprises in store for you that I know you're going to love!

Speaking of free "How-To" training...

Did you know I post a new training article to the blog DAILY? You can go to and get practical networking techniques you can put to use right away.

And just in case you've missed this week's free training tips, here's a wrap up for you!

1. How Do I Motivate Myself & My Downline?
How do you develop the self-motivation and enthusiasm that you need to stop procrastinating, and get busy taking the action steps to achieve the goals that produce results and ensure your M.L.M business success?

Find out here ->

2. 3 M.L.M Objections You Can't Avoid
There are common network marketing objections that just keep coming up. No matter what you do, you can't avoid them. So, don't fight them - learn how to deal with them:

3. What You Say That CREATES Objections
Hey, if there are 3 objections you can't avoid, there are also some you CAN avoid. You're probably unaware that something you say is causing them. But you can stop it right now when you discover the tips in this article:

4. 5 Steps To Handle Objections Effectively
If you're still struggling to overcome objections from prospects, here's my advice on how to handle them once and for all:

5. Are You Afraid To Make Contact?
If you're scared to reach out & talk to people about your business, or you're training a new downline member who is...then read this article.

It will help!

Committed To Your Success,

Tim Sales

PS: Be sure to check out the new "fanpage" on Facebook and let me know what you think!

M.L.M. Secrets Part 4 - Presenting Your Opportunity

I shared with you my approach to finding prospects - focus on developing communication skills first so that you'll have the confidence to speak with both warm and cold market contacts.
Developing your inviting skills is the second step in the success formula - and this goes hand in hand with being an effective communicator.   Master these two first steps and your M.L.M business will take on a life of its own - you'll be amazed at how fast your business can grow.  
Remember, I was making high five figures per month after only two years working the business part-time and I didn't have any previous M.L.M experience. But what I did have was a commitment to learn what was necessary to succeed.
Now, when it comes to presenting an M.L.M opportunity to prospects, (the third step in my success formula), I discovered early on that a lot of people view the industry negatively.  How many times, for example, have you been asked, "is this one of those pyramid schemes?"  
The "M.L.M objection" is the most common you'll run into and it can be maddening to deal with unless you're prepared.  You need to have presentation tools that address this objection head on - and then overcome it every time.
The Best Defense is a Good Offense
Typically you're either going to invite your prospects to a business opportunity meeting where someone else is doing the talking, or you may get on a 3-way call with one of your upline.  Or. . .you're going to use some form of video or audio presentation to help your prospects see that what you have will help them get what they've said they need, want or don't want.
Using third party credibility, whether in the form of someone else speaking i.e., a successful leader or upline in the company, or in the form of video and/or audio, is key to your recruiting efforts.
Using third party credibility accomplishes several things.
First, it takes you off the hook!  You don't have to worry or be concerned with doing the presentation.  You can rely on others and on recorded presentations to get the job done for you.
It also establishes in the mind of your prospect that M.L.M is for real, that it is a viable way of doing business and that it is in fact an excellent vehicle for them to achieve whatever it is they say they need, want or don't want.
Perhaps most importantly, it sets up a process of duplication that your downline can easily follow.  Eventually they may use you on their 3-way calls depending on how successful you become.  But until then, and even then, they'll be trained to use third party presentation tools as part of their recruiting arsenal.
The Gold Standard of Presentation Tools
This is where I get to do some shameless self-promotion.
You see, I realized early on the need to tackle the "M.L.M objection" head on.  There wasn't too much out there that could do this in a professional manner.  Plus,  I wanted something that would work with both my warm market of family and friends as well as when I was going after successful business people.
So I sought out an expert in marketing - and found a Harvard-educated professor to join me in a discussion of Network Marketing.  This professor actually teaches a college level course in M.L.M!  Plus, he has consulted for dozens of Fortune 500 companies.
The result - a powerful recruiting and presenting tool used by people all over the world.  It's called Brilliant Compensation and it provides a highly credible overview of why M.L.M. is simply the greatest business model ever invented.  
Brilliant Compensation single-handedly overcomes the M.L.M objection and turns even the most hardened skeptic into someone who will want to know more about your opportunity. 
Educate Your Prospects and You Will Succeed!
Brilliant Compensation has become the Gold Standard of presentation and recruiting tools for the industry. Plus, the online version comes with a second presentation tool that educates prospects about the importance of investing in their business - without mentioning M.L.M.
Together, these two online movies do the talking for you so you and your prospects can skip the learning curve and start having successes immediately. Make sure and check it out - these are powerful tools that can quickly catapult your business to the next level.
To learn more about Brilliant Compensation click here:
Once you've developed your presentation skills, there's just one more step in the formula - training your new distributors. I'll discuss that tomorrow.
Committed to your success,
Tim Sales
P.S.  Brilliant Compensation gets a heap of praise.  Jackie Ulmer says it best:
"I have used Brilliant Compensation with truly unbelievable results for over seven years. Now I never get the pyramid objection. In fact, I don't get any objections."
Ashleigh Gass has some pretty great things to say about it too:
"My team has been using Brilliant Compensation for the past year with consistent results. The best part is that prospects want to show up and meet with us."
To learn more about Brilliant Compensation click here:


M.L.M. Secrets Part 5 - Training Your Downline

We've come to the final set of skills and steps needed to build a huge M.L.M business which is training your new distributors.
This is another of the vital skills you will want to develop and the first place to start is actually with yourself - because you need to make sure you've started correctly.  You can't expect your downline to do what you haven't and aren't already doing. 
So first, make sure you're using your own products or services .  Seems like a no-brainer and yet you'd be surprised how many distributors don't use their own products.  Use them and enjoy using them!
Then, decide exactly what you want to achieve with your business.   Get clear on your goals and write out your plan of how you're going to achieve them.  I recommend that you create this plan from the list of 13 money-producing activities I have identified in my Pocket Tracker tool.  I'll tell you more about
this tool in a moment.
Lastly, commit to developing your communication and inviting skills.   This will be an ongoing process.  Try role-playing with your upline to get practice.  You can also practice being an effective communicator with family and friends without talking about your business.
The bottom line is that you can't teach what you don't know or what you don't do.  And to be a great coach you must also coach the right things.  The best way to do this is to know where people are having problems and then fix those specific problems.  That's why I developed the Pocket Tracker .
Focus and Train on the 13 Income-Producing Activities
As I mention above, there are certain activities that produce income. Make it a point to focus only on these activities and train your downline to do the same.
Here's a quick list of the 13 income-producing activities:
1. Set clear and specific goals and cultivate them on a daily basis
2. Self-train which includes developing communication skills, inviting skills, etc.
3. Doing direct mail promotions
4. Leaving voice mail offers
5. Running ads on radio, TV, the internet, or in newspapers and magazines
6. Meeting new people
7. Dialing prospects, whether they answer or not
8. Connecting/speaking with a prospect
9. Inviting and setting appointments
10. Presenting the business whether one-on-one, a hotel meeting or giving out videos or audios
11. Selling products
12. Sponsoring new distributors
13. Training new distributors
Track and Train Your Way to Success
Each of the above activities are important pieces to the money-making puzzle.  Remember, to be a great coach you need to know where your people in your downline are having problems. 
For example, are they having a hard time meeting new people, or perhaps they have call reluctance and are resisting picking up the phone and making calls.

When your downline is tracking these 13 activities, you'll know where they're having challenges and can then help them with these specific problems.  
To help you with all of this, I created a simple tool that tracks how focused and successful you and your downline are in doing these key activities.  It's called Pocket Tracker and it makes tracking daily progress a very easy thing to do. 
When you train your distributors to focus only on these activities, and train them to use the Pocket Tracker to monitor what's being done, you'll quickly see where they need help. 
Pocket Tracker will reveal where in the process your downline is having a difficult time.  This enables you to coach them where they need it most - on the right things. 
Create Duplication and Succeed
Creating duplicatable systems is important when training your downline which is why I created Pocket Tracker.  It's a quick and easy way for you and your downline to stay focused on those activities that create income and results. 
Duplication is what leads to success and with this tool it's easy to duplicate the process of staying on track.
To learn more about Pocket Tracker, click here:
By the way, if you have questions about any of these 4 steps - Find, Invite, Present and Train, feel free to email me or call my office any time. 
You can reach me at or dial (888) 307-7104. International callers please call (801) 374-2188.  The office hours are Monday - Friday, 8 am to 5 pm Mountain Time.
I may not be able to respond directly, but I make every effort to address the most common concerns in my monthly newsletter and training calls.  I'll tell you more about these tomorrow.
Committed to your success,
Tim Sales
P.S. Don't forget - training begins at home .  Make sure you are tracking your efforts before you ask your downline to track theirs.  Pocket Tracker can help.
To learn more about Pocket Tracker , click here:


M.L.M. Secrets Part 3 - How to Invite

Yesterday I talked about the importance of communication when it comes to finding prospects.  You need to be an effective communica tor or you risk turning away a potential new distributor.
The next step in the process is knowing how to invite your prospect to look at your opportunity.  If you can invite well, it will be relatively easy to get your prospects in front of good presenters and good presentation tools -- things like videos, audios and websites. On the other hand, if you can't invite well, you'll have a tough time in network marketing.
Better to know in advance the skill sets you need to develop than to get frustrated or depressed when your business isn't going as well as you would like, right?  Well, inviting is one of the basic skills you must learn to succeed in M.L.M.
The 6-Step Inviting Formula
When it comes to inviting, I developed a 6-step formula that was the result of studying what successful networkers were doing. When I applied this to my own business and my income went through the roof very quickly.
Master this formula and you'll see an immediate boost in self-confidence.  You'll avoid making costly mistakes, misconceptions and embarrassment.  At the end of the day you'll make more money.
Here's a brief look at each of these steps -
1. Greet - The purpose of the greeting is to get your prospect to speak freely and open up to you.  Without feeling forced or tricked.
2. Qualify - Here's where you find out what your prospect needs, wants and doesn't want as it pertains to your business.  Get this right and you'll know exactly how to best present and position your opportunity.
3. Invite - Now it's time to ask your prospect to review information about your opportunity.  And of course the information they'll be reviewing is geared towards helping them achieve what they said they need, want or don't want.
4. Handle questions and/or objections - The purpose of handling questions and objections is to get the prospect beyond what is apparently stopping them from attaining what they've stated they need, want or don't want.  When you know how to invite properly, this step is no longer a step to be feared!
5. Close to action - At this step, the goal is to complete whatever is being said or done and start helping your prospect fulfill their needs/wants/don't wants.  Here's where you review the next steps and have the prospect agree to take those steps, i.e., watch a DVD, attend a meeting, etc.
6. Follow up or follow through - Here's where you re-contact your prospect to follow up with them after they took action and keep them moving towards getting what they said they need, want or don't want.  When they're ready to join, you follow through and help them through the process.
Become a Master Inviter!
Seeing a need for training in the area of inviting, I created a training tool that my downline and other networkers could use to master the 6 step Inviting formula. 
It's called Professional Inviter and it consists of 7 CD's where you can listen in to actual calls with prospects and see firsthand what each of the steps looks like.  
There is additional commentary, like when you watch a movie and the director talks about the different scenes.  It's all designed to help you strengthen your inviting skills and help your downline develop theirs as well.
To learn more about Professional Inviter, click here:
I must caution you - Professional Inviter is not a shortcut to success. It's about mastering the basics and becoming an expert inviter.  Success in network marketing is practically guaranteed when you do.
Look for tomorrow's email on the subject of Presenting.  This is where things get exciting!
Committed to your success,
Tim Sales
P.S.  Want to recruit more people into your downline?  Here's what fellow network Kate Moller had to say about Professional Inviter:
"I've become a total sponsoring machine and I know with absolute confidence how to train my team."

M.L.M. Secrets Part 2 - Finding Prospects

There are many ways to find people to talk to about your opportunity.  The bigger challenge is this - what do you say once you're with them?  Knowing what to say and how to say it is vital because you never (or rarely) get a second chance to make a good first impression.  And you don't want to blow people off.
When I first started, I was simply told to make a list of all my friends and relatives and then go sell them on the idea of my M.L.M business.  Well, some people will be successful working their warm markets while others will fall flat on their face.
I've also seen some people build a business almost entirely from advertising in newspapers.  Answering an ad in the Washington Post is how I got introduced to the industry.  But again, this is not for everybody.
And then I've seen some people be successful using direct response (post cards, door hangers, internet) and others with the ability to talk to strangers on the streets of New York. 
Ultimately, there are a variety of ways to find prospects and you'll likely end up with several ways you go about doing this.  The key is to know how to communicate with them once you're on the phone or face to face.
Learn to Be an Effective Communicator
My point here is that any method that makes your business and/or your products known and desirable is a good method.  After all, the definition of marketing is "to make known in such a way that your product or service appears desirable."
So. . .rather than get all hung up on how to find prospects, focus on developing the communications skills that will enable you to get prospects interested in your opportunity.  Because what you say and how you say it matters.  And when you have confidence in your communication skills, you'll be more effective with all your prospects, whether from a warm or cold market.
Plus, having good communications skills is what you want to duplicate through your downline because everyone will have their own best approach to doing the business.  You don't want to limit your new distributor by telling them they "must" work their warm market, or they "must" put ads in the newspaper, etc. 
Rather, teach them a system of communication and your business will flourish.
Master the 10 Communication Qualities
I discovered there were 10 Communication Qualities that the most successful networkers all had in common.  I was determined to develop these qualities in myself and equally determined to show my new distributors how to do the same. 
My organization grew like wildfire once I had these qualities down pat.  I also created a training tool my downline could use to master these qualities themselves.   I encourage you to become familiar with these qualities and decide you're going to master them as well. 
Here's a quick list of all 10 qualities - 
  1. Be interested in the prospect
  2. Do not be distracted by anything
  3. Have a sincere, friendly facial expression
  4. Use the correct amount of assertiveness
  5. Communicate easily - No tension, strain, fakeness, sounding rehearsed, stuttering or hesitating
  6. Make sure your body doesn't distract the prospect
  7. Tell the truth
  8. Know what you're talking about
  9. Communicate at the prospect's level of understanding
  10. Have the intention to make the person's life better
I encourage you to make becoming an effective communicator one of your top professional goals.  I say this because your success will largely be proportional to how quickly you develop these 10 communication qualities. 
Communication Made Easy
To help networkers master these skills I created a training tool called Brilliant Communicator.   It's a 10 CD set with a companion 200+ page training manual that goes through each of the qualities in detail.  You'll learn firsthand what works and what doesn't when it comes to interacting with your prospects.
To learn more about Brilliant Communicator, click here:
If you're serious about making huge money in network marketing, this training tool will help you get there.  Being an effective communicator will take you to the top in network marketing faster than any other skill you can invest time developing
And whether you find your prospects through friends and family, through advertising, through buying leads or any other means, knowing what to say and how to say it is one of the master keys to success.    Tomorrow we'll talk about Inviting.  See you then!
To your success,
Tim Sales
P.S.  Did you take advantage of the new subscriber thank you special?  I'm making Brilliant Compensation available for next to nothing!  Used by over 500,000 networkers worldwide, this DVD will help you recruit like crazy.  Check it out at  The offer goes away in 4 more days so do it now while you're thinking of it!

M.L.M. Secrets Part 1

 Tim Sales here with part 1 of my M.L.M secrets series.  Plus I've got an unannounced bonus I want to give you as well.
When I first started out in M.L.M, I was already working a full time job.  I was an underwater bomb squad technician for the U.S. Navy.  Defusing bombs - not a job that prepares you for network marketing!
Though I enjoyed what I was doing in the Navy, I really wanted a way to earn substantial income and be of service.  The Navy fulfilled the service part, but my job wasn't financially rewarding.
I eventually found network marketing through an ad in the Washington Post.
Even though I was only able to work the business part-time, within two years I was earning more in a month than most people make in a year.  I eventually built a downline of 56,000 people in 26 countries.  And although I made a ton of mistakes along the way, I also cracked the code.
Master These 4 Steps
I broke down the process to 4 main sets of activities and worked on developing my skill sets in each area.  Then I created a set of training tools my downline could use to duplicate the system I was using to grow my business -  to the point where I was able to leave my full time job permanently!  
The 4 areas are Find, Invite, Present and Train and here's what I recommend you focus on:
1.  Master the skills of finding and communicating with prospects. 2.  Master the skills of inviting prospects to look at your opportunity.  3.  Learn to expertly present the opportunity and the industry to your prospects.  4.  Excel at training your new distributors to develop the same set of skills. 
These are the keys that unlock the door to financial independence through M.L.M.
I'll be covering each of these areas over the next several days. In the meantime, what I want you to take away right now is that network marketing is a business.  When you approach it like a business it can pay you very well.  If you approach it like a hobby. . .well, how many of your hobbies pay you 6 figures a year?
With that in mind, it's important that you make the decision to treat your business like a business.  Then make the decision to really do the business. 
The fruits of success are enjoyed by those who are single-minded in their focus.
A Surprise Bonus
And speaking of focus, one of the areas people have problems with is getting over their fear of talking to prospects.  So. . .are your palms sweating as you think about this?  Do you resist picking up the phone and calling people?
If so, this special bonus will really help.  It's a checklist I developed to help my downline overcome what is known as "call reluctance."   Use this simple tool and you'll easily identify what is stopping you and the folks in your downline from achieving success in your M.L.M business.
Here's the link to download the bonus:
Be on the lookout for tomorrow's email, M.L.M Secrets Part 2 where I'll tell you more about how to find and communicate with prospects.
To your success,
Tim Sales  

M.L.M. Secrets Part 3 - How to Invite

Yesterday I talked about the importance of communication when it comes to finding prospects.  You need to be an effective communica tor or  you risk turning away a potential new distributor.
The next step in the process is knowing how to invite your prospect to look at your opportunity.  If you can invite well, it will be relatively easy to get your prospects in front of good presenters and good presentation tools -- things like videos, audios and websites. On the other hand, if you can't invite well, you'll have a tough time in network marketing.
Better to know in advance the skill sets you need to develop than to get frustrated or depressed when your business isn't going as well as you would like, right?  Well, inviting is one of the basic skills you must learn to succeed in M.L.M.
The 6-Step Inviting Formula
When it comes to inviting, I developed a 6-step formula that was the result of studying what successful networkers were doing. When I applied this to my own business and my income went through the roof very quickly.
Master this formula and you'll see an immediate boost in self-confidence .  You'll avoid making costly mistakes, misconceptions and embarrassment.  At the end of the day you'll make more money.
Here's a brief look at each of these steps -
1. Greet - The purpose of the greeting is to get your prospect to speak freely and open up to you.  Without feeling forced or tricked.
2. Qualify - Here's where you find out what your prospect needs, wants and doesn't want as it pertains to your business.  Get this right and you'll know exactly how to best present and position your opportunity.
3. Invite - Now it's time to ask your prospect to review information about your opportunity.  And of course the information they'll be reviewing is geared towards helping them achieve what they said they need, want or don't want.
4. Handle questions and/or objections - The purpose of handling questions and objections is to get the prospect beyond what is apparently stopping them from attaining what they've stated they need, want or don't want.  When you know how to invite properly, this step is no longer a step to be feared!
5. Close to action - At this step, the goal is to complete whatever is being said or done and start helping your prospect fulfill their needs/wants/don't wants.  Here's where you review the next steps and have the prospect agree to take those steps, i.e., watch a DVD, attend a meeting, etc.
6. Follow up or follow through - Here's where you re-contact your prospect to follow up with them after they took action and keep them moving towards getting what they said they need, want or don't want.  When they're ready to join, you follow through and help them through the process.
Become a Master Inviter!
Seeing a need for training in the area of inviting, I created a training tool that my downline and other networkers could use to master the 6 step Inviting formula. 
It's called Professional Inviter and it consists of 7 CD's where you can listen in to actual calls with prospects and see firsthand what each of the steps looks like.  
There is additional commentary, like when you watch a movie and the director talks about the different scenes.  It's all designed to help you strengthen your inviting skills and help your downline develop theirs as well.
To learn more about Professional Inviter, click here:
I must caution you - Professional Inviter is not a shortcut to success. It's about mastering the basics and becoming an expert inviter.  Success in network marketing is practically guaranteed when you do.
Look for tomorrow's email on the subject of Presenting.  This is where things get exciting!
Committed to your success,
Tim Sales
P.S.  Want to recruit more people into your downline?  Here's what fellow network Kate Moller had to say about Professional Inviter :
"I've become a total sponsoring machine and I know with absolute confidence how to train my team."


Here's the free report you requested


Hello and welcome!  Tim Sales here from First Class M.L.M Tools.  I want to thank you for joining our global community of network marketers.  Whether you're new to M.L.M or have experience in the industry, I hope you'll find the information in my monthly newsletters valuable. 

First things first - if you haven't done so already, here's the link to download my free report, "How to Build a Huge M.L.M Business Part-Time:

Second, whitelist the following email address to make sure my monthly newsletter packed with business building nuggets goes straight to your inbox:

If you need help with whitelisting, here's a page with some simple instructions:

Also, don't forget to take advantage of the New Subscriber Thank You special.   I'm practically giving away one of my most valuable prospecting tools - used by over 500,000 people worldwide.

Click on the following link to learn more:

Now with all that out of the way, I'd like to tell you what's in store. . .

Over the next 6 days, I'm going to send you an overview of the approach I used to build a huge M.L.M business -- a business that spanned 26 countries and that generated millions of dollars in revenues.  I was earning a huge income after only two years in the business - working part-time!

I'd like to show you how to do the same.  The next 6 emails are like a mini eCourse filled with some great tips and insight for building your business,

Watch for emails with the subject line "M.L.M Secrets."  You'll want to read these right away.

Beyond that, in addition to the bi-monthly editions of M.L.M. Success tips, you can expect to receive surprise gifts, special promotional offers and other valuable content designed to help you grow a huge M.L.M organization. 

If at any time you're not happy with the info I'm sending you, there's an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. 

Network marketing has been the path to financial independence for me and I wholeheartedly believe it can do the same for you.   I'm here to help you make it happen. . .

To your success,

Tim Sales First Class M.L.M Tools             

M.L.M. Secrets Part 2 - Finding Prospects

There are many ways to find people to talk to about your opportunity.  The bigger challenge is this - what do you say once you're with them?  Knowing what to say and how to say it is vital because you never (or rarely) get a second chance to make a good first impression.  And you don't want to blow people off.
When I first started, I was simply told to make a list of all my friends and relatives and then go sell them on the idea of my M.L.M business.  Well, some people will be successful working their warm markets while others will fall flat on their face.
I've also seen some people build a business almost entirely from advertising in newspapers.  Answering an ad in the Washington Post is how I got introduced to the industry.  But again, this is not for everybody.
And then I've seen some people be successful using direct response (post cards, door hangers, internet) and others with the ability to talk to strangers on the streets of New York. 
Ultimately, there are a variety of ways to find prospects and you'll likely end up with several ways you go about doing this.  The key is to know how to communicate with them once you're on the phone or face to face.
Learn to Be an Effective Communicator
My point here is that any method that makes your business and/or your products known and desirable is a good method.   After all, the definition of marketing is "to make known in such a way that your product or service appears desirable."
So. . .rather than get all hung up on how to find prospects, focus on developing the communications skills that will enable you to get prospects interested in your opportunity.  Because what you say and how you say it matters.  And when you have confidence in your communication skills, you'll be more effective with all your prospects, whether from a warm or cold market.
Plus, having good communications skills is what you want to duplicate through your downline because everyone will have their own best approach to doing the business.  You don't want to limit your new distributor by telling them they "must" work their warm market, or they "must" put ads in the newspaper, etc. 
Rather, teach them a system of communication and your business will flourish.
Master the 10 Communication Qualities
I discovered there were 10 Communication Qualities that the most successful networkers all had in common.  I was determined to develop these qualities in myself and equally determined to show my new distributors how to do the same. 
My organization grew like wildfire once I had these qualities down pat.  I also created a training tool my downline could use to master these qualities themselves.   I encourage you to become familiar with these qualities and decide you're going to master them as well. 
Here's a quick list of all 10 qualities -  
  1. Be interested in the prospect
  2. Do not be distracted by anything
  3. Have a sincere, friendly facial expression
  4. Use the correct amount of assertiveness
  5. Communicate easily - No tension, strain, fakeness, sounding rehearsed, stuttering or hesitating
  6. Make sure your body doesn't distract the prospect
  7. Tell the truth
  8. Know what you're talking about
  9. Communicate at the prospect's level of understanding
  10. Have the intention to make the person's life better
I encourage you to make becoming an effective communicator one of your top professional goals.  I say this because your success will largely be proportional to how quickly you develop these 10 communication qualities. 
Communication Made Easy
To help networkers master these skills I created a training tool called Brilliant Communicator.   It's a 10 CD set with a companion 200+ page training manual that goes through each of the qualities in detail.  You'll learn firsthand what works and what doesn't when it comes to interacting with your prospects.
To learn more about Brilliant Communicator , click here:
If you're serious about making huge money in network marketing, this training tool will help you get there.  Being an effective communicator will take you to the top in network marketing faster than any other skill you can invest time developing 
And whether you find your prospects through friends and family, through advertising, through buying leads or any other means, knowing what to say and how to say it is one of the master keys to success.  
Tomorrow we'll talk about Inviting.  See you then!
To your success,
Tim Sales
