Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Is Why Prospects Stand You Up For Meetings

I thought it might be helpful and interesting to give you a different point of view by taking you "behind the scenes", and showing you what it's like for your prospect when you approach them with your business opportunity.

OK, to start with, I have something important to tell you:


I know, profound.

Really, it's because prospects do something that SEEMS crazy (especially if you're really trying to sponsor them). Prospects like to SAY ONE THING, but when the time comes around to actually act, they do something TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

I could go into an essay on why this is, but for the purposes of this discussion, the most important reason has to do with EMOTIONS. People tend to SAY what they THINK when they're asked a question.

But they tend to ACT on their EMOTIONS when an actual SITUATION presents itself.

Here's an example:

You meet a person who seems to qualify for your business, and get their number. You call them up. They agree to meet you the next day for a cup of coffee. The next day comes around, and they don't show up. You call them. Something came up, and they just couldn't make it.

Ever been there?

What happened? (And doesn't it irritate you when prospects ALWAYS seem to do this?) Well, what happened is when you were talking to your prospect on the phone, coffee the next day sounded fine. But when the next day showed up, something else that was more interesting came up, and they didn't FEEL like meeting you anymore.

Or perhaps they just decided that they DIDN'T FEEL like meeting you when they woke up the next day.


But it PROBABLY had something to do with them not FEELING the same way anymore.

The point that I'm trying to make here is that when a prospect says one thing, then does another, often this prospect sees that as being perfectly OK, because they're "just following their feelings".

But from YOUR point of view, if a prospect says one thing, then does another, they're either a liar, being flaky, or don't have integrity.

Here's the point:

Your prospects and people in general aren't going to change "how they feel" about this topic anytime soon. So you & I are basically left with two main options in a situation like this one:

1) Keep banging our heads against the wall and expecting people to change and start showing up when they say they will.

2) Learn how to make every prospect FEEL like they want to actually show up for the meeting, so when they wake up the next day, they SHOW UP.

Get it?


Now, here's how you do that:

One of the biggest secrets to being successful in M.L.M is this — it's the ability to qualify prospects and create just the right amount of curiosity to keep the recruiting process moving forward. It's the ability to know what to say and when to say it - whether in person, on the phone or when leaving phone messages.

This skill of "creating enough curiosity" - when you master it - means the difference between prospects showing up for a meeting or standing you up.

Yes! You Can Succeed in M.L.M When You. . .

I'll be straight with you. Unless you're willing to take the time to study and then apply what the pros have proven to work time and time again, you're most likely to go nowhere fast. Please, don't try and reinvent the wheel!

Rather, use the time-tested strategies and tactics I reveal in four CD's I call Hot M.L.M Prospecting Tips to take your business to the next level.

In this set of 4 CD's and Workbooks, I cover some very specific training topics that really get to the heart of where your struggle lies. I uncover some "hidden truths" to building a successful M.L.M business that will instantly help you to break through that brick wall with prospects.

Here's a look at some of what you'll discover -
  • How to get prospects to want what you offer - find out the secret to keeping prospects on the edge of their seat

  • You never want to sell what your prospect won't buy. That's called wasting your time! I show you how to qualify prospects so you're only presenting to people who want what you have.

  • How to get people to talk to you by leaving effective phone messages

  • How to lead with your product and increase sales

  • Plus. . .a whole lot more!
Free Bonuses and a 30-Day Ri-sk Free Test Drive!

The good news is that I've put this CD series on special for the next 14 days and when you act fast, you'll receive several bonuses designed to help you make the most out of your newfound knowledge. For one, you'll get transcripts of each recording so you can follow along and then review.

Secondly, you'll receive study guides complete with sample scripts and action steps you can begin taking right now to enroll more distributors.

Plus, I've got a special "Top Secret" bonus for the first 200 people who take fast action.

Recently, someone who attended one of my live conferences sent me a copy of the notes they took while I was speaking. When the staff here at took a look at the notes, they quickly contacted the person who sent them in and asked that these notes NOT be distributed.

You see, I spoke about some things I've never discussed previously in ANY training such as:
  • How to handle "difficult" distributors and "gunslingers" on your team

  • My personal follow-up method,

  • What you should put on your business cards,

  • And a detailed 90-day "Quick Start" plan for your business.
This is stuff I've never trained on before, and if you take fast action and are one of the first 200 people to invest in the Hot M.L.M Prospecting Tips 4 CD and Guidebook set, you'll receive a copy of these "Top Secret" Conference Notes as a bonus!

So, if you're reading this right now, and you're saying to yourself "OK, it's time that I stopped wasting time screwing around, and I GOT MY REAR IN GEAR, then you need to do yourself a HUGE favor.

You need to TAKE ACTION, and get yourself a copy of my Hot M.L.M Prospecting Tips training program.

It's taken me years of experience to find, test, and develop the concepts that I teach in this program... and I guarantee that it will forever change the way you deal with prospects.

More importantly, it will help you walk out your front door, and meet more qualified and excited prospects starting IMMEDIATELY.

And I'm not kidding.

So. . .are you ready to build your downline into the money-making giant you know it can be? Go read all about it and check out the free audio samples here:

Your partner in success,

Tim Sales

P.S. The great Chinese warrior Sun Tzu said it best when he said, "Opportunities multiply as they are seized!" Do yourself a favor and seize this opportunity to grab my insider secrets for building huge M.L.M success. If you're one of the first 200 fast action takers, you'll also get a special bonus copy of the "Top Secret" Conference Notes - never before released! Get yours here:

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