Friday, June 11, 2010

When "Old Fashioned" Beats "Hi-Tech"

I have to laugh sometimes at all these home-based business offers I see ... the ones that'll make you $10,000 a month using a fully-automated website to do all the work for you. "Make mo.ney while sitting around in your pajamas" is what they tell the unsuspecting.

I think modern technology is great. When it's working properly, it's a time saver and even a mo.ney maker. But is it a mistake to think websites and email are the Holy Grail of networking as some people think? I believe so. Here's why ...

Computers and other artificial means of communication can make the sale for you, but our business is not built on one-time sales. Our business is built on relationships. That requires communicating on a much more human level.

Broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow, who many agree was one of the great communicators of modern times had this to say ...

"The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it."

Hmmm ... sounds like no matter how you make contact, person-to-person, over the phone or through websites and email, the bottom line is ...

If you can't communicate you won't make the sale.

If you can't communicate, you won't grow your business.

If you can't communicate, you won't eat.

Let's stay with this broadcast journalism theme for a moment.

Throughout the world, there must be hundreds of thousands of reporters and commentators employed by the various radio and television stations. But how many have really become great journalists during their careers?

Walter Cronkite quickly comes to mind. Eric Sevareid too. And both were trained by Edward R. Murrow.

What made them great? I believe it was because each of them was able to really connect with their listeners. Isn't that what you want too? To have that magical connection, that charisma, that gets 7 out of 10 people you talk with to sign up?

I would never call myself "great." It's not my nature. But I am greatly successful at network marketing. My downline is over 56,000 strong in 26 countries.

My business is self-perpetuating. It continues to grow year after year even though I no longer work it day-to-day. It's made me very wealthy.

And I owe much of my success to the effort I put into learning how to create that connection, which comes from being a great communicator. I saw it as the key that would open many doors for me. It has. And it still does.

Now I Want You to Become
A Great Communicator

You may be thinking to yourself, "Tim, why do I need to worry about communication skills? I can communicate just fine." But let me ask you this: How are your sponsoring results? Out of every 10 prospects you speak with, how many of them buy your product or join your downline?

Now, let me take it one step further: How many people in your current downline organization are having the same (or worse) results than you?

You see, there's one skill all those top dogs in your company have in common and it's the ability to "read" their prospects. In fact, they're so good at it, it comes naturally to them. Many of them couldn't train you how to do this even if they wanted to...because they have no idea they're doing it!

So they give you a script to read and tell you to "work through the numbers". It's not their fault, they just don't know any better.

I discovered this early in my M.L.M career. Many of my distributors were not having the same level of success as I was - even though they were following the exact same scripts. I purposed myself to get to the bottom of this, and I was successful. My downline was too as a result!

It doesn't matter whether you're a Dale Carnegie graduate or you get all tongue tied just saying "hello." I'm going to make it real easy for you. Just pay attention and you can't mess up.

The effort you'll need to put in will be considerably less than what I went through. I started from scratch. You won't have to. If you are willing, I will mentor you. Here's how ...

This week I'm offering you my Brilliant Communicator CD Training System & Workbook. The price is very attractive and I'll give you more details about that in just a minute. First, let me tell you how Brilliant Communicator can make you more money.

I discovered early on in my network marketing career that if you confuse your prospects, they will flee. Maybe they won't make a mad dash for the door, but they'll put up a brick wall in two seconds flat. No more communicating after that.

If you say the wrong thing, up goes the wall. If you say the right thing in the wrong way, or at the wrong time, you're no better off. It's the brick wall again. And you lose.

After making more mistakes than any human being should be allowed to make in one lifetime, I began to analyze every conversation I'd have with a prospect. I soon realized I was making some really dumb mistakes. And as soon as I corrected them, my business began to explode.

The income from my little part time business soon dwarfed what I was earning at my "real" job.

And when I realized my dumb mistakes were really common errors - ones nearly everyone makes - I went to work producing Brilliant Communicator. Now your business can explode too. Your little part time business can make you very wealthy.

When you pop the first CD into your player, you'll quickly realize this is not just another how-to audio series. Before we get into mechanics and strategies, we talk about the right attitude. You see, once we get that squared away, everything else will just fall into place. Everything will make perfect sense to you.

(By the way - the information on this CD is the key to becoming a top income earner in your company. It's the stuff that gives all those leaders the "it" factor and now you can have "it" too!)

And as you study the other nine CD's in Brilliant Communicator, I want you to look back on your previous encounters with prospects, business associates, even friends and family, especially the ones that didn't turn out too well.

You see, Brilliant Communicator isn't just about making mo.ney. Or even building long-term business relationships.

It's about getting the most satisfaction from every relationship you have.

So visit this site and I'll show you how to get your personal copy of Brilliant Communicator plus two bonus CD's and save some cold hard cash at the same time.

Your partner in success,

Tim Sales

PS: When you get to the site, you'll notice some free video training and audio clips. These won't be up there for long, and you'll get some real "golden nuggets" you can apply to your business right now to see real results.

PPS: Let me leave you with one more quote, this time from the great football coach Vince Lombardi ...

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

I want you to make a commitment to excellence today. You can start with Brilliant Communicator.

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