Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[VIDEO] THIS is how you motivate your downline & keep yourself from entering the "Upline Hall Of Shame"

I've got another free video training to share with you today, and it's more important than the other 2 videos I've already shared with you. (You'll see why in a moment)

But first, I'd like to introduce you to Rachel. If you haven't met Rachel yet, you'll find her over at Facebook on the First Class M.L.M Tools Fanpage. She helps me monitor that page on occasion and she's also a "veteran" in the business.

Rachel shared a story with me recently that really resonated with me...and I know it will with you too. She talks about being a "bad" Upline leader and goes through the training script she & her husband used to teach their downline - which I do NOT recommend you use!

I asked her to share her story & I know you'll get a kick out of it. Now, if you're itching to see today's video right away you can go here now: http://www.firstclassmlmtools.com

I suggest you read her story first though because if you've ever sponsored one person into your downline, you'll instantly "get" what Rachel is talking about here.

"Tim, my husband & I have been involved in network marketing for over 5 years. Unfortunately, we built our first downline and watched it crumble because of a lack of training. We thought we were training people properly. I mean, we were doing exactly what our Upline taught us to do: Sign someone up, have them write out a goal sheet, then have them write a list of 100 names. Next we'd teach our new distributor how to make calls and this may sound like a joke, but I'm totally serious - Our "phone training" went something like this:

Step 1: Jog around the room so you're out of breath and sound super busy and excited!!

Step 2: Call your broke brother in law & say, "Hey Bob, you got a sec? I don't have much time; I'm just headed out the door. Are you near a computer? Great! Go to www.MyMLMWebsite.com and watch this video....What is it? Oh, I don't have time to tell you right now! (Make sure to say this like you're out of breath because you're running out the door) Gotta go! Just give it a look, you're gonna LOVE it & I'll call ya back in a few. K? Bye!" (Then, promptly hang up on your prospect)

Step 3: Sit by the phone and wait impatiently for 20 minutes to go by while your brother in law watches the video on your website.

Step 4: Call him back & say, "Can you see why I'm so excited?!?!?!?!?!"

Step 5: If he says yes, you say "Hold on a sec, there's someone I want you to talk to." Then, you 3 way him into your sponsor. Don't wait for him to object & ignore him if he does. Just put him on hold fast and 3-way your Upline into the call.

Step 6: Sign him up, spend 10 minutes teaching him to do what you just did, and have him start making calls to all his loved ones the same day

Step 7: Repeat this 100 times and retire a millionaire...NOT!!

SERIOUSLY - this is what we were taught to do, and unfortunately it's what we were teaching teams of people to do. And we wondered why no one was having success...and why all our friends and family members hated us!

Enter the Brilliant Communicator Workbook. My gosh, every single person who sponsors someone needs this training. Suddenly you've got something to teach a downline member that works! You've got an instant answer WHY they're reading the same prospecting scripts but having poor results.

By using the workbook I was able to diagnose exactly what distributors could improve upon to have instant results in their business.

But here's the kicker Tim - on the CD that comes with the workbook, you actually demonstrate how to teach someone on your team! See, that's such a huge problem because what I discovered is most people (including me) aren't great teachers naturally. We get impatient easily, or we're more aggressive and tend to upset the shy distributors on our team because their approach to the business is different than ours.

The audio CD that comes with the Brilliant Communicator Workbook is actually the only training I have ever heard on how to be effective at training people on your team. Until I heard this, you could have entered me into the "Upline Hall of Shame". I didn't want to lead my downline the wrong way - I just didn't know any better.

Tim, you showed me how to be a good teacher...a good Upline member...and you gave me a step-by-step training program to go through with my team to HELP THEM so the scripts they use start working.

As a leader, I'd tell people to go through the whole program like a 10 week boot camp with your team. Have each one of them listen to 1 Brilliant Communication CD a week and then get together and do the practice worksheets and drills. I'd meet my team at a coffee shop, at my house, or for large groups this would make a fantastic Super Saturday training.

Thanks Tim for creating this product. I don't think nearly enough people really realize how important this type of training is. Being able to train your downline to duplicate is the cornerstone of success in our industry. It's the key to the M.L.M dream, which is a residual income for life."

Thanks Rachel for sharing your story - and if YOU want to hear some of the training that helped Rachel and her husband turn it all around, watch today's free video training http://www.firstclassmlmtools.com

Talk soon,


PS: The videos on this page will only be available for a few more days, so make sure to watch them while you can. In fact, if I were you, I'd forward this email along to your downline so they can take advantage of the free video training as well.

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